all postcodes in GU6 / CRANLEIGH

find any address or company within the GU6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU6 8AA 1 1 51.141259 -0.488385
GU6 8AB 1 1 51.141759 -0.488812
GU6 8AE 17 10 51.140612 -0.487062
GU6 8AF 14 9 51.140353 -0.487857
GU6 8AG 9 4 51.140805 -0.488757
GU6 8AH 8 6 51.140909 -0.489197
GU6 8AJ 18 11 51.141136 -0.490033
GU6 8AP 1 1 51.141259 -0.488385
GU6 8AQ 1 1 51.140812 -0.488643
GU6 8AR 16 1 51.141919 -0.48519
GU6 8AS 20 7 51.140959 -0.487785
GU6 8AT 3 2 51.140648 -0.488419
GU6 8AU 31 23 51.141647 -0.489888
GU6 8AW 2 2 51.141607 -0.488493
GU6 8AX 1 1 51.141266 -0.488942
GU6 8AY 1 1 51.141751 -0.489584
GU6 8BA 3 0 51.139545 -0.484496
GU6 8BB 9 7 51.14206 -0.491261
GU6 8BD 1 1 51.141967 -0.491021
GU6 8BE 1 1 51.142023 -0.491191